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PC Repairs and Upgrades

Is your computer running slow. Trust the experts to clean up software and repair/replace hardware.

Smart TV Installations

New TV? Retail or Residential Smart TV Installations

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A+ Certified technicians

Outsourcing your IT? Let us help manage your IT needs.

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Wireless Home

It’s true. When you get internet from Bell or Rogers or any other ISP they only install the modem…

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Home Security Cameras

AVDNetwork has affordable options for your home security cameras or doorbells. These are non subscription options that you can…

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Website Support

Building a strong online presence is crucial for small businesses—it’s like setting up a cozy little shop on the…

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Industries We Serve

Business Services Consulting

Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque pena tibus et magnis dis parturient mon tes,nascetur.

Financial Services Consulting

Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque pena tibus et magnis dis parturient mon tes,nascetur.

Energy and Environment Consulting

Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque pena tibus et magnis dis parturient mon tes,nascetur.

Travel and Aviation Consulting

Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque pena tibus et magnis dis parturient mon tes,nascetur.

Consumer Products Consulting

Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque pena tibus et magnis dis parturient mon tes,nascetur.

Surface Transport & Logistics Consulting

Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque pena tibus et magnis dis parturient mon tes,nascetur.


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